Massive Inventory, Global Reach and Flexible Stock Levels through Vendor Managed Inventory

If you’ve been considering vendor managed inventory, it is critical that you thoroughly investigate your provider’s distribution capabilities. As you will be relying on the provider to maintain your stock levels, you must be certain – absolutely certain – that they can deliver the critical parts and components you need. More than that, they must be responsive, on time and – perhaps most importantly – capable of performing thorough quality tests on the parts that you request. In today’s post, we’re going to look at how ASF Components can help you maintain a massive inventory of high-quality parts with our innovative VMI programs.
Global Reach
A good provider of vendor managed inventory programs will always source their parts from reputable vendors. ASF Components deals with a global network of ISO-certified sources, as well as a wide range of both local and national sources. As a result, we are able to provide parts of the highest quality while maintaining affordable, cost-efficient pricing.
Worldwide Delivery
We strive to supply our clients on all fronts, no matter where they are located. If you’ve established overseas facilities, we have the ability to source, package and ship the parts that you need to your location, no matter where it is.
Flexible Stock Levels
The best VMI programs are flexible. A great provider will understand that, as demand changes, your needs change. ASF Components is committed to growing with our clients, working with them to establish flexible stock levels that ensure that, as their business expands, their stock levels adjust accordingly.
At ASF Components, we provide the industry’s best vendor managed inventory programs. Dedicated to helping our clients maintain accurate, cost-efficient inventory levels, we are able to source and ship globally, ensuring the best quality at the best prices. If you’ve been considering a VMI program, contact us today to discuss how we can help.