Let ASF Components Stock and Maintain Your Inventory of Class “C” Components

As the head of your operation, you already know how much of a hassle it is to maintain your inventory of class “C” components. Whether you’re performing counts, placing reorders, or attempting to predict needs over the next few months, you’ve undoubtedly asked the question, “Isn’t there a better way to do this?” Well, ASF Components is here to provide the answer: a resounding, “yes!” With our vendor managed inventory program, you offload all of the hassle of inventory keeping to our team. We manage all the logistics: quality control, stock levels, reorders, and more. When you opt to have your inventory managed by our team, you allow your team to focus on their actual, productive duties.
Aiming to help you streamline your operation, ASF Components is committed to delivering the class “C” components that you need on time, every time. From bushings and cable ties to fasteners and clamps, you can count on us to source and stock the parts that you need. More importantly, you can be certain that our team will work with you to understand and adapt to your business’ everchanging needs. Whether you’re a small, local manufacturer or a huge, multinational chain of assembly plants, we can – and will! – rise to the challenge.
At ASF Components, we strive to form long-term, beneficial relationships with our customers. With the goal of reducing hassle and increasing productivity, our vendor managed inventory services allow you to offload tedious, time-consuming stocking duties and focus on profitable tasks instead. Because of this, you’ll experience happier employees, more consistent stock levels, higher quality components, and increased profits. If you’ve been tearing your hair out performing your own in-house inventory management, we encourage you to contact our team today to discuss how we can help.