There’s Never a Good Time to Deliver a Defective Part
A dependable supply chain for fasteners and components has to mean more than parts arriving just in time. Without out top-rated quality control from suppliers, a just-in-time delivery that includes defective parts would bring your production to a screeching halt.
ASF Components makes sure that quality failures don’t cause such supply-chain disasters for our customers. The ASF engineering department and our determination of the quality control capabilities of suppliers assures you that your components not only arrive just in time, but are just right.
Our efforts begin with engineering support. Our staff is always ready to assist with problem solving during product development to make sure our customers’ specs and a suppliers components and fasteners match precisely. ASF’s full-time specialist in the Production Part Approval Process performs a complete review of each PPAP submitted to ensure compliance. If the PPAP specialist does discover issues, he identifies and corrects all non-compliant conditions.
In this process, we work directly with suppliers to resolve any non-conformance issues and issue corrective actions to suppliers for non-conforming parts, using 8-D methodology to identify the problem, then use a team approach to contain the problem, define the root cause, implement a solution and prevent its recurrence.
ASF prepares and submits any Supplier Request for Engineering Approval to our customers if any print discrepancies require blueprint changes or if the supplier requests an update. Before you receive a part through our supply chain, ASF rigorously tests it for quality. We also market test our suppliers and their components. If they don’t live up to our standards, they’re not good enough for our customers.
We place the same high quality standards on ourselves as we do on our suppliers. We’re proud to say ASF is ISO 9001 2008 certified, and ISO 14001 compliant. We have quality management personnel available on-site 24/7, and ASF has an ISO-certified quality inspection lab to perform on-site part inspections.
ASF doesn’t just deliver components to our customers. We deliver quality – not just in time, but all the time.